Shave Bars
Shaving soap is intended to help the shaving process more than shaving creams because the soap helps remove natural oils of the skin and hair, making the hairs more penetrable by water, which softens them so they are more easily cut by the razor.
Our shave bars have a high level of solid oils that give it more lather and also includes bentonite clay to give it the right amount of “slip” necessary to allow your shaving blade to glide over your skin, protecting it while you shave. These bars can be used for the face, legs or underarms and are suitable for both men and women. See HOW TO USE our shave bars at the bottom of this page
$7.00 each
For Face:
Wet your brush under running hot water or fill up your sink with hot water and leave the brush in the water for at least a minute.
Make sure the brush bristles have soaked up the hot water. The point is to retain the moisture in the brush so that it gets directly to your face to soften your beard hairs and open pores. So, don‘t tap too much excess water off the brush.
Lather up the soap using circular motions directly in the container.
Apply and massage the warm lather with the soaped brush evenly across your face in circular motions.
Adding a little more hot water will normally provide re-lathering for second or third passes, if required, without using more soap.
After shaving with your favorite razor, empty any excess water from the soap container and leave it open to re-dry.
For Body:
Rub the wet bar in both hands to work up a lather, then apply the lather to the area you wish to shave.
Or wet your soap bar and rub against wet skin to get a lather, then shave with your favorite razor.